
Q & A

Q1: Whats the difference between an XML Sitemap and an HTML Sitemap?
A HTML site map is designed for humans to access and use, a HTML sitemap is also used by search engines to find the website and any websites attached to it, however, HTML site maps won't link all new pages to the websites. A XML site map is used by search engine robots to navigate a website, a XML also website helps search engines understand the structure of the website, however, XML site maps are hard to maintain and take a lot of time to create
Q2: What are 3 IDE's?
Visual Studio code: A software developed by Microsoft for Windows and Linux so that users can easily debug, and code in several different languages. It does not include any tutorials or introductions for new coders but features text prediction and automatically inputs the proper syntax and code.
Aptana Studio 3: Like VS code it functions as an open source web development tool. Aptana features tools for beginners to easily learn web development.
Netbeans: is an integrated development environment for JAVA. Netbeans is hard to use as it incorporates JAVAscript as its main language.
Q3: Whats the history on web browser developments encounterd by web developers?
When the internet was founded multiple companies created their browsers for people to use, this was difficult for web developers as they needed to change the code for every website as they all had different standards. The first standard web browser was developed in 1989 and is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium.
Q4: What are website testing methodologies?
Functionality, Performance, Compatibility, and Accessibility are four website testing methodologies. Browser compatibility testing ensures that a website will work on as many websites as possible. Accessibility testing can help the website be more accessible for people with disabilities or who are unable to navigate a website, bigger buttons and clearer instructions are ways to make a website more accessible, accessibility testing also ensures that users can access the website, e.g. a user may be able to access a website due to where they live. Performance testing ensures that the website can run smoothly and load on slow devices and the internet. These methodologies ensure that a website is compatible across multiple browsers and systems, and can run smoothly without internet or system lag.
Q5: What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?
All websites need to meet VCAG Level AA compliance
Q6: How do you think it’s best to organize all the assets used for a specific webpage?
It's best to organize a website by putting all resources (HTML, images, CSS, javascript, etc.) in a single root folder and creating folders within the root folder that separate and sort all of the resources. E.g.: a folder that contains only HTML, a folder that only contains images, and a folder that only contains CSS.